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 Easy German Stories: der-Story

Special offer !!!

On 8th + 9th of March 2025 (pacific time) you can download my kindle-ebook ‘der’-Story for free at Amazon.


Go to Amazon* and have a look! 

Alle Bücher von Easy German Grammar Stories

der die das - stories

and other helpful books with explanations, tests and MP3-Download for effective German learning.

Easy German books for beginners


These easy German stories will help you to learn German grammar!

They are for beginners through to advanced.

Easy stands for easy and simple.    

All the stories are written in simple language, so they are easy to understand for learners of German. The language is adapted to the specific levels A1-B2. Important and difficult words are translated from German into English and Japanese. Almost all of the stories are written in the present tense.

German stands for German and Germany.

Of course, all the stories are written in German. They take place in Germany and use lively dialogues to talk about life in Germany.

Grammar stands for grammar explanations.

Language cannot work without grammar.  Grammar makes language easier to understand. In these books, grammatical topics are naturally "built-in" so they can be learned easily. Explanations, hints and tips on the grammar are incorporated in order to help students to understand German grammar.

Stories stand for entertaining stories.

These entertaining stories put the new German words and German grammar in context. We can learn words and grammar better when they are in an interesting and engaging context. The illustrations help support the stories.

*If you click on the link and buy through this link, I get a commission from Amazon. For you, the price does not change. 

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