Special offer !!! On 8th + 9th of March 2025 (pacific time) you can download my kindle-ebook ‘der’-Story for free at Amazon.
| der die das - stories and other helpful books with explanations, tests and MP3-Download for effective German learning. Easy German books for beginners
"das" - neutrale NomenArticles, adjectives, neutral nouns and prepositionsWith this book you can improve your German in a simple, effective and pleasant way. The story, specially written for learners of German, contains only neutral nouns! Thus, the vocabulary can be attained systematically and the declension of articles and adjectives can be learned easily. In addition, this is a fairy tale, and it is written in the past tense (Präteritum) and, together with the explanations, offers a good start into the reading of German books. It is suitable for learners with basic knowledge of German (Level A1/A2 and upwards). You can just read and enjoy the story or use this book as a powerful tool to improve your German skills! Summarized: Tagline: Available on Amazon* as an e-Book or as a paperback. *If you click on the link and buy through this link, I get a commission from Amazon. For you, the price does not change. Also available in Düsseldorf at Takagi books & more eBook also available at: iBookstore Google Play Xinxii Barnes & Noble Hugendubel eBook.de Casa del Libro Rakuten Kobo Weltbild Thalia