Special offer !!! On 8th + 9th of March 2025 (pacific time) you can download my kindle-ebook ‘der’-Story for free at Amazon.
| der die das - stories and other helpful books with explanations, tests and MP3-Download for effective German learning. Easy German books for beginners
German Stories for beginners and advanced
What are German Stories for beginners and advanced?
German Stories for beginners and advanced are stories, especially for learners of German. Vocabulary and sentence structures are kept simple and, therefore, much easier to understand. For foreigners learning German, it is essential to read a lot. In this way, they can quickly expand their vocabulary and improve their German skills, even in self-study. German stories in simple language are a good choice, as they do not overtax the reader and increase the fun of reading. The following book recommendations are suitable for beginners and advanced readers and can also be used as teaching material in German classes.
Book recommendations: German stories for learning German
Read stories and learn articles at the same time!
The original stories from the Easy German Grammar Stories learning books now also as compact reading books!
With these three easy German stories, you can easily and effectively improve your German language skills. In each story there is only one grammatical gender, which means: in the "der"- story there are only masculine nouns, in the "die"-story there are only feminine nouns and in the "das"-story there are only neutral nouns!
Max geht auf den Markt und danach macht er einen kleinen Spaziergang. Aber am Fluss trifft er seinen neuen Nachbarn, und sie machen einen kleinen Ausflug zum Biergarten.
Paperback 7.99€ / eBook 3,99€ |
Hana spielt Geige und studiert Musik. Sie hat bald eine Aufführung und muss üben. Das ist aber nicht einfach, denn sie lebt in einer Wohngemeinschaft mit zwei anderen Frauen.
Paperback 7.99€ / eBook 3,99€ |
Das Märchen erzählt von einem kleinen Wildschwein, das auf dem Land wohnt und mit seinem Motorrad zu den sieben großen Gebäuden fährt, um dort so einiges zu erleben.
Paperback 7.99€ / eBook 3,99€ |
All three stories in one book! With this compact paperback, you get all three "der die das"- stories in one book for even better learning.
Paperback 19,50€ |
Learning objectives of these stories:
- Expand your vocabulary systematically.
- Learn the declension of articles and adjectives before masculine, feminine and neutral nouns intuitively!
- Remember the articles of German nouns more easily.
- Have fun reading!
In these stories, all nouns are in context. Therefore, you can easily remember that, for example, the nouns of the "masculine" story belong together and have to be masculine! In this way, you can easily learn the gender of almost 1000 nouns by reading these easy stories.
Example: "der" - Story - A German story with only masculine nouns:
Effective learning method: "der"- Story
- Read the story
- Nouns are in a context and are masculine
- All nouns belong to the masculine story
- Easily learn masculine, (feminine, and neutral) nouns
This is what you get:
- Easy stories with only masculine, only feminin, or only neutral nouns
- Compact book format (12x20cm)
- Translations of all nouns in English, Japanese, and Spanish
- Alphabetical word list
- Tips for learning the articles
Extra Tip!
These stories are also available as intensive learning books. They contain additional grammar tips, tests with solutions, detailed grammar explanations, and free mp3 downloads as well as online exercises. Easy German Grammar Stories
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