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"Verliebt in Tim"Subjunctive / conditional, verbs with prepositionsTim is living in Germany and learning German at a language school. One day, he thinks that his classmate Jeanice wants more than just a simple friendship from him. The book is suitable for you if you have a good basic knowledge (A2) of German. It can also help you prepare for the B1 exam. The book has three parts: 1. The short story with translations for difficult or important words in English and Japanese. 2. Konjunktiv 2 (subjunctive / conditional): Form and use, explanations of passages from the story, cloze test with solutions. 3. Verbs with fixed prepositions: Explanations, use, tips and cloze test with solutions. In the members’ area you will find additional material and the story as an audio book. Available on Amazon* as an e-Book or as a paperback. *If you click on the link and buy through this link, I get a commission from Amazon. For you, the price does not change. Also available in Düsseldorf at Takagi books & more eBook also available at: iBookstore Google Play Barnes & Noble Hugendubel eBook.de Casa del Libro Rakuten Kobo Weltbild Thalia Xinxii More books from Easy German Grammar Stories: |