Special offer !!! On 19th + 20th of December 2024 (pacific time) you can download my kindle-ebook ‘der’-Story for free at Amazon.
| der die das - stories and other helpful books with explanations, tests and MP3-Download for effective German learning. Easy German books for beginners
Preview of the book "Verliebt in Tim" from Easy German Grammar Stories
With this book you can easily learn the subjunctive 2 and many verbs with prepositions.This book is for all learners of German who would like a simple, effective and enjoyable way to improve their German. The story and the explanations are written in German and suitable for learners who have good basic knowledge of Level A2 and upwards. The book can also be used as a complementary preparation for the B1 exam.
The book has three parts: 1. The easy story with translations for important or difficult words in English and Japanese | Verliebt in Tim - buy now on Amazon* *If you click on the link and buy through this link, I get a commission from Amazon. For you, the price does not change. Audio sample: eBook: Verliebt in Tim |
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