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 Easy German Stories: der-Story

Special offer !!!

On 8th + 9th of March 2025 (pacific time) you can download my kindle-ebook ‘der’-Story for free at Amazon.


Go to Amazon* and have a look! 

Alle Bücher von Easy German Grammar Stories

der die das - stories

and other helpful books with explanations, tests and MP3-Download for effective German learning.

Easy German books for beginners


Tips for your motivation

You have a goal? Good!

You are motivated? - Better!

If you love Germany and the German language, then you certainly have no problems with your motivation. But maybe sometimes your motivation might drop. Motivation is very important for learning German. So how can you keep up your motivation or even increase it?

Set goals! First you need a final goal. In order to achieve your final goal, you need to divide it into many sub goals. Every time you reach a sub goal, you will feel a sense of achievement. You can also divide your sub goals into smaller sub goals. The more sub goals you have, the more successful experiences you will have. Every achievement boosts your motivation to study German!

Use my motivation stairs system! Print out the poster and hang it up in your bathroom, then you can see it every day while brushing your teeth. Or put it as a bookmark in your book. Look at your motivation stairs every day, read the sentences aloud and motivate yourself with it. Then you have reached a sub goal, write a big "managed" or "I did it" over it!

The motivation stairs below is an example. The final goal is to be able to use the German Konjunktiv 2. The sub goals are written in the stairs. How to achieve the goals, you can find out here: "How do I learn with EGGS?" If you have other goals, you can download a blank motivation stairs here. Print it out and write your goal at the top of the stairs, the sub goals into the stairs and your reasons into the arrows.

I wish you much success and good motivation for your German studies!!!


• Set your final goal!
• Write down the reasons for your goal!
• Divide the final goal into small goals (sub goals)!
• The more sub goals you have the more sense of achievement you will get!
• Make a learning plan!
• Learn regularly!
• Have fun and enjoy your learning progress!
• Look at your motivation stairs every day!

•Speak German!


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