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 Easy German Stories: der-Story

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On 8th + 9th of March 2025 (pacific time) you can download my kindle-ebook ‘der’-Story for free at Amazon.


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Alle Bücher von Easy German Grammar Stories

der die das - stories

and other helpful books with explanations, tests and MP3-Download for effective German learning.

Easy German books for beginners


Easy German books for beginners - recommendations for learning German

Books from Easy German Grammar Stories

Easy German books for beginners that make reading fun! Learn German with stories!

Here you can go to the books directly!

Reading a book in German - mission impossible?

One of the most exciting achievements when studying German is being able to read a German book. But this also represents a big challenge. Which book is the best to start with? There are tons of great German novels out there, but most of them aren’t  easy to read and are out of reach for a beginner. Tackling a book which is too hard for you isn’t wise as it can lead to frustration and kill your motivation. Instead, you should take small steps towards reaching your goal. Reading should be fun! So start with easy German books for beginners! Well, okay, but now you might be wondering, which books are easy for a beginner to read?


Are children’s books the right choice?

Some people recommend German children's books as they’re  written using simple sentence structures. While that's true,  unfortunately, most children's books use vocabulary that is largely useless to you. Of course, this depends a lot on the book, but it’s a common tendency because they’re designed for children and not for adult readers. Look at a children's book in your own language and you will see what I mean.


The best solution!

The best solution is to start with easy German books for beginners, which are specially written for German learners and contain simple sentence structures and vocabulary. That's why I created Easy German Grammar Stories for you! Through my experience of over 20 years teaching German as a foreign language, I’ve developed the skills needed to write these easy books. And I want to give you even more! With my books, you not only have the pleasure of reading a story stress free, but you can also improve your German grammar skills if you like. So grammar doesn’t have to be so theoretical anymore! It can be fun and easy! You get a sense of satisfaction from being able to read a book in German, and as positive side effects, you also can improve your grammar skills, build up your vocabulary and boost your listening comprehension as all books come with free mp3 audio (stored for you in the members’ area).


Frau Immerfind in Düsseldorf

With these three books, you will learn tenses: Präsens and Perfekt (book 1), conjunctions: denn, aber, weil, obwohl, ... (book 2) and more tenses: Präteritum, Plusquamperfekt, ... (book 3). The first book "Begegnung mit Aimi" is the easiest and for learners from language level A1. The books build on each other but can also be read separately.


Verliebt in Tim

In my book "Verliebt in Tim", you can learn the Konjunktiv 2 (subjunctive 2/ er würde kommen, sie wäre, …) and Verben mit Präpositionen (verbs with prepositions/ telefonieren + mit, einladen + zu). This book is suitable for you if you are A2 level.


Have fun with der, die and das!

In my three easy German books “der”, “die” and “das” you can learn the genders of nouns in an incredibly easy and efficient way. Each story has either only masculine, only feminine, or only neutral nouns. So you can easily assign the nouns to the respective story and immediately know which gender they have. This is an ingenious way for beginners to expand their vocabulary by about 1000 nouns. For intermediate learners, these stories are perfect for confirming or correcting their knowledge of the gender of German nouns. All nouns are translated into English, Spanish and Japanese and on Quizlet I have prepared word cards for you. For these three books, you should be at least A1 level.


A fairytale as an introduction to novels

The “das- book” is a Märchen (fairytale) and also a perfect introduction to reading German novels, because it explains the German past tense - the Präteritum – which is used in almost all German novels. It’s essential if you want to become a competent reader. Are you curious about the books yet?

Then take a closer look, just maybe they’ll change your “German-learning life”!


View books from Easy German Grammar Stories on Amazon* Germany now!

*If you click on the link and buy through this link, I get a commission from Amazon. For you, the price does not change. 



Frau Immerfind in Düsseldorf 1 - Begegnung mit Aimi

Paperback 9,99€ / ebook 4,99€ (inklusive Audio-Download)


From A1

Word translations into English and Japanese


Finn loses a large sum of money at the Düsseldorf train station. Then he meets the mysterious Aimi. Will she be able to help him find the money?


 Präsens conjugation

 Verb forms in the Perfekt 


More information on Begegnung mit Aimi   


Buy on Amazon* 

eBook also available at:iBookstore   Google Play   Barnes & Noble   Hugendubel   eBook.de  Casa del Libro  Rakuten Kobo   Weltbild   Thalia   Xinxii

Begegnung mit Aimi auf Amazon ansehenBegegnung mit Aimi auf Amazon ansehen 



Frau Immerfind in Düsseldorf 2 - Die Wohngemeinschaft

Paperback 9,99€ / ebook 4,99€ (inklusive Audio-Download)


From A1/A2

Word translations into English and Japanese


Aimi has lived with Finn, Andy, and Anke for two weeks, but life in the shared apartment is not easy. Can Aimi and Finn solve the problems quickly?


Main clauses, subordinate clauses, indirect interrogative clauses, relative clauses 


More information on Die Wohngemeinschaft   


Buy on Amazon* 

eBook also available at:iBookstore   Google Play   Barnes & Noble   Hugendubel   eBook.de  Casa del Libro  Rakuten Kobo   Weltbild   Thalia   Xinxii



Frau Immerfind in Düsseldorf 3 - Aimis Geheimnis

Paperback 9,99€ / ebook 4,99€ (inklusive Audio-Download)


From A2

Word translations into English and Japanese


Finn and Aimi found a lead to Finn's money. Andy has a dangerous plan. Will Aimi's secret help them carry it out?


German tenses, subjunctive 2, and passive


More information on Aimis Geheimnis   


Buy on Amazon* 

eBook also available at:  iBookstore   Google Play   Barnes & Noble   Hugendubel   eBook.de  Casa del Libro  Rakuten Kobo   Weltbild   Thalia   Xinxii


Aimis Geheimnis auf Amazo ansehenAimis Geheimnis auf Amazo ansehen 

Verliebt in Tim   Paperback 9.99€ / eBook 4.99€


From A2 upwards

Important words translated into English and Japanese.



Tim is living in Germany and learning German in a language school. One day he thinks his classmate Jeanice wants more than a simple friendship from him.



Subjunctive 2

Verbs with prepositions 

More information on Verliebt in Tim 


Buy on Amazon!*

eBook also available at: iBookstore   Google Play   Barnes & Noble   Hugendubel   eBook.de  Casa del Libro  Rakuten Kobo   Weltbild   Thalia    Xinxii

Easy German books "Verliebt in Tim"



der - masculine nouns   Paperback 9.99€ / eBook 4.99€


From A1 upwards

All nouns are masculine and translated into English, Spanish and Japanese.



Max goes to the market to buy asparagus and ham. Then he wants to go for a little walk. But he meets his new neighbour by the river and they take a short trip to the beer garden.



Declension of masculine nouns, articles and adjectives


More information on der - masculine nouns


Buy on Amazon!*

eBook also available at: iBookstore   Google Play   Barnes & Noble  Xinxii  Hugendubel   eBook.de  Casa del Libro  Rakuten Kobo   Weltbild   Thalia

Einfache deutsche Bücher zum Deutsch lernen - der-maskuline Nomen



die - feminine nouns   Paperback 9.99€ / eBook 4.99€


From A1 upwards

All nouns are feminine and translated into English, Spanish and Japanese.



Hana plays the violin and studies music. She has an important performance soon and has to practice diligently. But that's not always easy, because she lives in a shared flat with two other women.


Declension of feminine nouns, articles and adjectives


More Information on die - feminine nouns           


Buy on Amazon!*

eBook also available at: iBookstore   Google Play  Xinxii   Barnes & Noble   Hugendubel   eBook.de  Casa del Libro  Rakuten Kobo   Weltbild   Thalia

Easy German books "die - feminine Nomen"


das - neutral / neuter nouns   Paperback 9,99€ / eBook 4,99€


From A1/A2 upwards

All nouns are neutral/neuter and translated into English, Spanish and Japanese.



This fairy tale tells the story of a small wild boar who lives in the countryside. One day he travels to the city and has many adventures.


Declension of neutral/neuter nouns, articles and adjectives


Past tense (Präteritum)

More Information on das - neutral nouns        


Buy on Amazon!*

eBook also available at: iBookstore   Google Play   Xinxii   Barnes & Noble   Hugendubel   eBook.de  Casa del Libro  Rakuten Kobo   Weltbild   Thalia  

Easy German books "das - neutral Nomen"

*If you click on the link and buy through this link, I get a commission from Amazon. For you, the price does not change. 

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